Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Write Gifts: In His Spirit

 Hey #JustWrite!! It's that time again where we say good bye to the end of the year and prepare for the new year. Of course before we do that, we prepare to be with loved ones and live in the moment of giving tangible gifts for those who choose to. We all know that during this time, we also reflect on the greatest gift to mankind, the birth of Jesus Christ, born in a manger, presented with the tangible gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Most don't know but these gifts gave us insight into the identity of Christ. The gold represented the Kingship of Jesus (Daniel 7:13-14): “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man,[a] coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." Simply put, Jesus reigns above all earthly rulers. He is to be worshipped.

The frankincense represents the deity of Jesus- extraordinary as a fully man and fully God. Colossians 2:9-10 says: "For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority."

The gift of myrrh represents Jesus' death. Myrrh was commonly used to embalm bodies and this particular gift was a foreshadowing of Jesus' death. John 19:38-40 speaks on this gift and the big picture: Jesus came to the earth as a babe so that we would be saved. As a man, He bore our sins and died so we could have eternal life. His life, death, and resurrection encompasses the gift of the Gospel which we as believers are blessed to give to the world through our daily interactions.

This month's book club read is, "Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today" by James Goll, a selection that details how the Holy Spirit leads and guides us. The nine most known gifts are also discussed with many examples of how each gift was used within the Bible and how they apply to present day situations. 1 Corinthians  12:8-10 lists these gifts as the following:

Word of wisdom
Word of knowledge
Gifts of healings
Distinguishing between spirits
Interpretation of tongues

In addition to the book and devotion guide, there is also a website for Mr.Goll's ministry, God Encounters Ministries that provides more resources, articles, and classes. The Releasing Spiritual Gifts class is a 12 lesson class featured online that will walk you through the steps of being in the fullness of one's gifts. Join Just Write on Tuesday, December 27 for the final discussion of 2022. In exchange of a physical gift for a loved one during the holidays, this book selection is a great gift to share. 

Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season and our gifts always make room for us according to God's plan and Holy Spirit guiding us all.

See you all in 2023!!

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Write Collaborations: Relationships Matter

 Hey #JustWrite!! We are in November!! Can you believe it? We are one month away from closing out 2022 and what a year it has been. Despite the highs and lows of this year, many of us can attest that we are thankful for the solid relationships we have whether personal or professional. It is through those relationships that many of us have been able to grace many stages, sit at many tables, and speak to many audiences. I heard some powerful statements recently, some I realized I had heard before and others I was amazed to hear: "Relationships matter." "Learn to add value to someone else's life/company." "Who you know gets you in the door, but who you are keeps you in the room." The last statement I heard was very profound as we have to understand our character when we are presented with opportunities. This month's book club read is the selection, "Never Eat Alone and Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time" by author, Keith Ferrazi. The book is an amazing guide on how to network and manage important relationships that can help further one's aspirations.

The book presents 3 lessons on networking:

1. "Relationships aren’t like cake, they’re like muscles." Like exercise, you must stay consistent so you can grow.
2. "You must build your network long before you need it." Be intentional with connecting with others and seeing how each party can bring value to each other before the needs arise. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.
3. "How you spend time with people is much more important than how much time you spend with them."  Yes, networking is definitely all about the concept of quality over quantity. Choose wisely. 

Join us on Tuesday, November 29 for a discussion on relationships and how they are necessary for long-term success. Remember, great relationships are not only beneficial for business but life in general. 

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Write Generosity: Transformation through Giving

Hey #JustWrite!! After last month's discussion on giving and blessings, the conversation continues with this month's book club read, "I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life' by author, Brad Formsma. The choice to live a generous life brings forth change within a person which leads to a change within the world. It is a beautiful notion to have the intention to give without it feeling like an obligation. Many of us are aware of what needs to change but may not have the desire to put forth the action. This book provides a guide on how to create a lifestyle of giving with the following tips and topics:

• Giving—something you get to do, not something you’ve got to do.
• How to raise kids with a sensitivity to others’ needs.
• You don’t have to be a millionaire to make a difference.
• Practical ideas for giving to people around you every day.

The main focus is to remember that it is all about experiencing the joy of giving and that we all have something significant to give. Despite what the media may show or tell you, giving goes beyond the materialism and monetary examples. Giving can be in the form of a listening ear, an embrace, or a person's time. As believers, we know the greatest act of giving was Christ's selfless love of dying on the cross to save us from our sins. 

In what ways will you show up this week, this month, and the rest of the year in giving? Whatever choice you decide to make, do it from a place of intentionality and willingness and not grudgingly. Be on the lookout for this month's book club discussion on October 25 at 6pm. 

Remember, we are coming upon the season of giving in the next two months, may we all find joy and peace in the ways we give.

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Write Standard of Giving: Exploring Double Blessings


Hey #JustWrite!! We've FALLin into another month and we will be discussing the book, "Double Blessings." by author Mark Batterson. Batterson expresses that God doesn't give us increase so we can appear to be on a pedestal and elevate ourselves. What God gives us is for the act of giving. "God doesn't bless us to raise our standard of living. God blesses us to raise our standard of giving, and that's where true joy is found. " "We flip the blessing by blessing others in the way God has blessed us." It's like the difference between happiness and joy. Most of us seek to be happy but never consider the beauty of joy. Happiness is fleeting and circumstantial while true joy comes from a place of an everlasting peace despite the outlook.  So what does the Bible say about a double blessing? Isaiah 61:7 states,  “For your shame YOU SHALL HAVE DOUBLE; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall POSSESS THE DOUBLE: everlasting joy shall be unto them.” A recent encounter brought this full circle as I made a split decision at the last minute to change up my daily routine. In the midst, I struck up a conversation where I was speaking in general about what's been happening in the city. I was even asked if I attended a particular school in the area which led to another topic. As I was speaking, a unique connection was formed where the other person inquired if I knew of any positions within the area of interest. I proceeded to do some research and came across a role that was perfect and specific to the desired job. Another connection happened where we realized we knew the same person from my hometown. It all stemmed from recognizing an area code. The person proceeds to tells me that the day we met was a blessing and how it was God that allowed our paths to cross based off the fact we both decided to change up our day. Furthermore, we both agreed that blessings aren't always financial. Blessings come in the form of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Blessings also come in the form of good health, strength, sound mind, compassion, etc. 

Remember, the greatest blessing from God was as follows: "As far as God was concerned, the greatest blessing he could give man was deliverance from the grip of sin through the ministry of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the angel said to Joseph concerning Mary's unborn child: "You shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:20-21) The double blessing is we as believers get to share this blessing with others. Join us Tuesday, September 27 at 6pm for our monthly discussion. "We are blessed to bless."

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley 

Monday, August 15, 2022

The Write Phenomenon: Our Potential Through the Eyes of Jesus

Hey #JustWrite!! This month's book club read is a timely selection as we are in the month of "new beginnings." The Genius of Jesus: The Man Who Changed Everything by author Erwin Raphael McManus is a book that explores the spiritual and intellectual phenomenon of Jesus through the lens of power, empathy, meaning, beauty, and truth. When we think of geniuses, we think of those individuals that have influenced the masses within the disciplines of science, art, technology, and math. Geniuses tend to go outside of the box, beyond the expected, cultivating the art of being a disruptor within society. In other words, geniuses are interruptions in the world. We know that Jesus was not only an influential figure in history, but He was also very controversial all the way back to His birth. There isn't anyone in history whose birth was conceived by the Holy spirit to His mother without physical contact. In addition to His unique conception, Jesus also was controversial throughout His life from understanding His assignment, performing many miracles, and His crucifixion that changed the trajectory of our lives. Despite what the world says, He is the only person to have lived, died, and remains alive today. How genius of our Heavenly father to orchestrate such an event in HIStory. 

 The following are three quotes to ponder as we prepare for this month's discussion: 

1. "Our job is not to change people; our job is to connect people to Jesus, and it's Jesus' job to change people." Yes. We are to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the birth, death, and resurrection of our Savior) that serves to convict, prune, and transform the hearts of those who hear, submit, and abide.

2. "If we keep asking the wrong questions, we are just going to get better wrong answers. The solution to lack of community isn't to give up on the community." Yes, despite what others are saying and doing, we have to show up in love and for a common unity.

3. "I know it sounds crazy, but as soon as Christians start telling non-Christians how to live their lives, we've lost the Christian faith." Yes, our job is to speak in His truth and love with prayer, allowing God to get the glory for the work that is happening through the person and for the person. We are not God.

Join us on Tuesday, August 30 at 6pm as Kimberly Thompson and co-host Wanda Gilliard discuss more in depth "the man who changed everything." We look forward to seeing you.

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Write Support: Black Mental Health and Emotional Wellness Part 2

Hey #JustWrite!! We are in the 3rd Quarter of 2022. Can you believe it? The month of July is a time of rest for many of us and an opportunity to take those final summer vacations as we stated in the previous blog about bucket lists. This month the conversation of mental health continues with our previous book club read, The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health by author Dr. Rheeda Walker. The previous book club conversation about black mental health occurred in October 2021. This was during the time World Mental Health Day was observed. For those who are not aware, the month of July is when awareness is brought "to the unique struggles that racial and ethnic minority communities face regarding mental illness in the United States." It's only befitting that we bring the conversation back to the forefront this month. So what prevents black mental health awareness? The following are the top 10 barriers that have prevented black mental health:

1. High Costs

2. Familial Shame

3. Cultural Shame (an extension of familial shame)

4. Lack of Diversity in Health Care

5. Poor competency among non-black clinicians (lack of understanding that culture, race, and ethnicity play a role in mental health)

6. Whiteness as a Foundation to Mental Health

7.  Distrust of Medical Industry

8.  Difficulty Navigating the Process

9. Emotional Hesitation

10. Negative Past Experiences

As we know, these barriers in addition to other factors (systemic racism) continue to add to the huge rate of depression and suicide. In Dr. Walker's book, she takes readers on a historical exploration of this crisis and offers a much needed road map for guidance and healing. Here are some quotes from the book: 

“Scientists can say with confidence that racism is bad for Black mental health."

“Be careful about how you hide yourself from people who care. Your hiding could set up a life-or-death situation whereby you are in need and there is no one left to help.”

“You need so much more than mental health or “well-being” in this era of discrimination, invisibility, and psychological warfare. You need an impermeable web of protection for your mind.”

“If you (or someone you care about) cannot take on as much as someone else, that does not make you either weak or crazy. You just have to prepare differently and live your life unapologetically for you.”

“An African proverb says, “When spiderwebs unite, they can tie up a lion.”

Join the conversation on July 26th at 6pm as we continue to explore the notions that continue to plague the black community as it relates to mental health. As stated in our previous blog, "It's still time to heal and experience a freedom, holistically, mentally, and spiritually. Be free, unapologetically."

Let us all continue to walk boldly in our healing journey. Remember, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalms 147:3

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Write Voyage: Destinations and Bucket Lists

Hey #JustWrite!! We are in the 2nd half of 2022 and in the midst of the summer season. We know this is the time of year where everyone is enjoying vacation and a much needed break. So far 2022 has been an interesting adventure in so many ways for many people. The beauty of it is that it is never too late to realize one's dreams. How many of you reading have a bucket list? How many of you have actually crossed off items from the bucket list? I don't have a bucket list but I have definitely accomplished a few things off of a few lists through the years and in some instances, I have lived in the moment without a list. 

This month's book club pick is The Bucket List: 1000 Adventures Big and Small by author Kath Stathers. It is a detailed guide of activities and ideas with special attention to specific locations. The ideas discussed include, "self-improvement, sports-related endeavors, natural wonders, cultural experiences, culinary delights, and more." This is a great companion for travel enthusiasts of all ages and passions listing mountains, monuments, beaches, museums, inns, restaurants, and islands.

From a biblical perspective, here is a bucket list and below is another bucket list to consider:

1. It becomes us to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15).
2. Live, not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).
3. Worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve (Matthew 4:10).
4. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33).
5. Repent and believe the Good News! (Mark 1:15)
6. You must be born again through baptism (John 3:7).
7. Worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
8. Repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38).
9. Take and Eat, This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me (Mark 14:22).
10. Reckon yourselves dead unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:11).
11. Present your bodies a living sacrifice unto God (Romans 12:1).
12. Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit (1 Corinthians 6:20).
13. Desire spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 14:1).
14. Stand fast in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13).
15. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4:30).
16. Be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).
17. Pray in the Spirit (Ephesians 6:18).
18. Rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 3:1).
19. Set your heart on things above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God, rather than things of earth (Colossians 3:1–2).
20. Let the peace of God rule in your heart (Colossians 3:15).
21. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom (Colossians 3:16).
22. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father through him (Colossians 3:17).
23. Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
24. In everything give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
25. Do not neglect your spiritual gift (1 Timothy 4:14).
26. Lay hold on eternal life (1 Timothy 6:12).
27. Be not ashamed of the testimony of our Lord (2 Timothy 1:8).
28. Strive to enter into the rest of the people of God (Hebrews 4:11).
29. Hold fast to your profession of faith without wavering (Hebrews 10:23).
30. The just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38).
31. Keep Holy the Sabbath, do not neglect to Meet together each Sunday (Heb 10:25).
32. Despise not the correction of the Lord, for whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives (Hebrews 12:5–6).
33. Make straight paths for your feet, Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:13-14).
34. Refuse not Him who speaks and warns from heaven (Hebrews 12:25).
35. Offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name (Hebrews 13:15).
36. Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls (James 1:21).
37. Submit yourselves to God (James 4:7).
38. Is any among you afflicted? Let him send for the priests of the Church, let them anoint him (James 5:13).
39. Declare your sins by regular celebration of Confession (John 20:21-23; James 5:13).
40. Declare with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. (Romans 10:9)
41. Sanctify the Lord God in your heart (1 Peter 3:15).
42. Commit the keeping of your soul to God in well doing (1 Peter 4:19).
43. Cast all your care upon him, for he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
44. Look for and hasten the coming of the Day of Lord (2 Peter 3:12).
45. Devote yourself to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2:42)
46. Build up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost (Jude 20).
47. Keep yourselves in the love of God (Jude 21).
48. Remember from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works (Revelation 2:5).
49. Fear God, and give glory to him (Revelation 14:7).
50. Worship him that made heaven, and earth, and sea, and the fountains of waters (Revelation 14:7).

In terms of bucket lists, whether practical or spiritual bucket lists, the important thing is to remember to enjoy the journey. On June 28, join the discussion at 6pm. In the meantime, on the way to creating those bucket lists, check out this upcoming event commemorating Juneteenth and maybe a possible item crossed off of a personal/business bucket list:

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Sunday, May 15, 2022

The Write Opportunity: Navigating Life Post Corona

 #Hey JustWrite!! This month makes 2 years since the lockdown was lifted. Many of us experienced many changes from the pandemic, some good, bad, and indifferent. I remember finishing school around this time and making so many intentional trips to visit family and friends. This month alone also reminded me of so much that was missed due to the pandemic which at times brought on feelings of sadness and regret. On the flip side, this month also reminded me of so much great change that has taken place in the last two years not only for myself but others. Despite the huge virus crisis and economic decline, most people saw the pandemic as a time to revisit previous goals, write down new goals, and seize the opportunity to focus on other important endeavors. Those endeavors may have ranged from education, employment, business launch, retirement, health, etc. 

This month's book club selection is Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity by NY Times bestselling author Scott Galloway. The book explores how COVID-19 caused an obvious divide between different situations and industries. Across the nation, people experienced working from home, the resentment of the young generation vs. the older generation, the economic gap between the rich and poor, the political stances of those representing red vs. blue, the advocates of mask wearing and the despisers of mask wearing. The e-commerce business industries (Amazon, Zoom, etc.) saw an increase in consumer consumption, while the customer/client-facing industries saw a decline in sales. Despite those challenges, the pandemic brought more opportunities to strategize and pivot within one's business. In all honesty, the pandemic exposed a lot of hypocrisy and obvious misconceptions as it relates to the history and ideals of this country. We as a nation were reminded once again of all the broken systems. Join us on Tuesday, May 31 at 6pm as we speak more about Galloway's insight as his book offers a combination of hope and caution.  Be prepared to engage and relate. 

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Write Questions: Understanding Healing, Resilience, and Trauma

Hey #JustWrite!! The conversation of healing and trauma has resurfaced again in this month's blog. Prior to writing this blog, a majority of my conversations have been centered on going back to the root of many situations that have occurred not only in my life but in the lives of the individuals I have spoken with during this pandemic and before the pandemic. With the times we're living in, many people avoid speaking on any trauma in their life with the fear of being ridiculed and judged. The pandemic has brought forth even more conversations about what has plagued us for so long. In many ways, the pandemic exposed our pain and trauma with provided opportunities for many to connect with the intent of healing. A previous blog written August 2020 spoke about trauma, specifically in the black community. This month's book club discussion centers on the book, "What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing." by authors Dr. Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey. This book explores conversations on healing from past traumas through the stories of Winfrey's past. The overall premise is for people to understand how present day behaviors from others are the byproducts of past circumstances. The authors state that the question of, "what is wrong with me?" should be shifted to the question of "what happened to me?" in order to jumpstart the healing journey. 

The book also takes the reader on a journey of understanding not only from a psychological perspective, but from a scientific perspective. Unresolved trauma affects the brain which leads to how our bodies respond to trauma-related stress through pain and medical ailments. The following are 3 key points gathered from the text:

1. Our earlier childhood experiences form and affect our brain as adults.

2. Our trauma can be dealt with by learning positive regulation strategies and setting boundaries.

3. Our support systems can help us overcome our past traumatic experiences.

Through everything, our communities we engage with on a daily basis (families, school, workplace, places of worship, etc.) need more information on how to be a support which can help anyone cope and heal. Join us on April 26 at 6pm as we unpack this topic even more with the understanding that we are not alone within our journey and healing process. 

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Write Governance: Understanding Self-Discipline

Hey #JustWrite and hello March!! Discipline. Discipline. Discipline. To some people, this word brings a sense of anxiety while to others, the word discipline provides a sense of momentum and drive. When I look at the word "discipline", I also see the word "disciple". One definition for discipline is, "the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience." Another definition is, "a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education." The word "disciple" means, "a follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopher." We know this from the Twelve Apostles who followed Christ.  To be disciplined in something means to exercise self-control in the effort to be properly trained or skilled in something. To be discipled means a person commits to taking up his or her cross and following Christ to the very end. From a practical perspective, being discipled also means committing to following the teachings of a respective person or leader and putting those teachings to use in one's personal and professional life. The topic of focus and discipline as it relates to writing is discussed more here

This month's book club read is The Science of Self-Discipline by Peter Hollins. This book takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and a path to never give up. The focus of this read is to explore those things that take us away from having self-discipline: procrastination, excuses, temptations, and laziness. The author provides insight from his background and studies in psychology and peak human performance. The ultimate goal is to learn the tools needed to fully execute, produce, focus, and achieve levels of self-discipline. Join us on Tuesday, March 29th at 6pm and get ready to learn what motivates us, what drains us, and emotionally moves us as we dissect what it means to have self-discipline. This is the 'write' time to seek to understand so we can achieve our goals.


In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Write Love: Notions and Nuances

Hey #JustWrite!! Here we are in February again and discussing the topic of love. Love has been discussed here in previous posts ranging from loving our truths and stories, loving our writings, loving words, and repairing love and relationships. This month, we will explore the topic of love written from the perspective of love having a deeper meaning than romantic love and in different phases of life. Agape love often comes to mind when I think of love. The word agape is a Greek word in the New Testament that means "the fatherly love of God for humans", as well as the human reciprocal love for God. Agape love is considered the highest form of love compared to romantic and brotherly love. John 3:16 is a verse that summarizes the Gospel message. Agape is the word used for the love that moved God to send his only son for the world's redemption. This concept of love is embedded throughout the Bible

This month's book club read is, All About Love: New Visions from renowned author Bell Hooks, known for the poem, "Aint I a Woman?". The following are a few quotes through the years from Hooks as it relates to love and relationships: 

"Love is a combination of care, commitment, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust."

― "Communion: The Female Search for Love"

"Living simply makes loving simple."

"To love well is the task in all meaningful relationships, not just romantic bonds."

― "All About Love: New Visions"

"Knowing how to be solitary is central to the art of loving. When we can be alone, we can be with others without using them as a means of escape." USA Today

All About Love challenges readers to look beyond the notion of romantic love being the most important love to desire. It explores the beauty of self-love that evokes peace and compassion to our personal and public lives. It also showcases how love in its purest form comes in to transform ourselves, our communities, and our societies. The book goes more in depth discussing how the ideals of giving and receiving love that we have been conditioned to believe can at times bring a sense of failure. As believers, we all can agree that it is important to get back to the sole purpose God created love, a love that is patient and kind, a love that is infallible and radical

Join us on Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 6pm with our hosts the Thompsons (brother Bernard and Elder Kimberly) along with co-hosts, the Barlows (brother Reginald and Elder Linda) as they bring ministry and insight on love as we journey through All About Love: New Visions. And as we come off of celebrating Valentine's Day, let's all be reminded to love one another as our Father God loves us.

I close with a short poem I composed:

Quickens my spirit and soul
Under submission to God
Victorious as
Abide in Him

Love 365

Written 2/6/2022

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley

Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Write Radical: Understanding Crazy Faith

Hello #JustWrite and welcome 2022!! Let's dive right into this month's topic. What is faith? A general definition would be: 1. Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. 2. strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. The bible speaks about faith in many verses but here is one that we all know: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1.

This verse reminds me of the analogy of air. We may not see it, but we feel and hear it and know that it is air. That's how faith works in our lives and circumstances. We remain hopeful in all things whether we see it instantly or not. What does it mean to have crazy faith? This month's book club selection is Crazy Faith: It's Only Crazy Until It Happens by renowned pastor and author, Michael Todd. Here's an excerpt from their overview:
"Pastor Michael Todd shows us how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible. Even if you have to start with baby faith or maybe faith, you can become empowered to let go of your lazy faith, trust God through your hazy faith, and learn to live a lifestyle of crazy faith."

We have many examples of crazy faith in the Bible, notably, the stories of Noah, Moses, and of course the birth of Jesus. These same biblical heroes are infused with stories of modern-day scenarios in Crazy Faith. The book will inspire you to do the following:

• believing the impossible
• choosing hope over fear
• being alert to the voice of God
• coping with loss and doubt
• developing a deeper level of trust in God
• speaking faith-filled declarations
• inspiring crazy faith in others

Join us on Tuesday, January 25th at 6pm as co-host Renee Carter shares her insight and brings the topic of crazy faith full circle as we navigate these crazy and uncertain times.  

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
_Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley