Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Write Moment in Retrospect: 5 Years Later

Hello #JustWrite!! This month we celebrate 5 years of "The Write Moment". Can you all believe it's been 5 years since the first blog post (9/15/2014)? Upon joining Just Write, I never imagined seeing so much growth within myself and within the group. I witnessed many firsts throughout the course of 5 years whether it was a book launch, business launch, or workshop. In honor of those 5 years, I would like to share my top 5 blog posts. These 5 blogposts were chosen based on a significance of firsts for Just Write. Let's take a look:

5. The Write Prayers: An Exclusive Interview with Barbara Winters. This blogpost was chosen because it was the first interview we conducted for The Write Moment blog. One of the initial goals of Just Write was to learn more about the authors, bloggers, editors, and other creative masterminds within the community. I love how we used a magazine Q&A format to conduct interviews. Later on, I decided to change the format to a free-flowing conversational style Check out the link here:

4. The Write Moment in Retrospect: One Year Later. This blogpost, written 9/15/15 is self-explanatory as it celebrates the one year birthday of "The Write Moment" and how Just Write impacted my writing skills and aspirations within a year. I was very transparent in this blog as I shared my testimony of being a writer, blogger, and editor and many resources to starting a blog. Read more here:

3. The Write Experience: A Story That Never Ends. This blogpost, written 3/15/16 highlighted moments from our first writer's workshop (EICC and Just Write collaboration), held on 3/12/16 (originally scheduled on 1/23/16). I also shared my experience at my first EICC meeting which was held earlier that day before the workshop. Check more insight here:

2. The "Frame" of Mind: Inside the Brain of Sharon Frame. This blogpost is one of my favorites because I was able to interview Sharon Frame who was our guest on Just Write's 1st birthday. She gave us many nuggets and much insight on her journey as a former CNN correspondent, journalist, and creative writer. I enjoyed reading about her process and how she turned one of her blogs into a bestselling book. She challenged all of us to "get on the bus" and not let the "the write moment" to "just write" pass us by. Be encouraged here:

1. The Write Marriage: EICC and Just Write. It's no secret that this is my top blogpost. I have shared this post numerous times on Facebook and I have referenced this post for myself whenever I found myself discouraged about my gift and where God is leading me. It was the first blog written that explained the significance of EICC and Just Write. As far as the most liked post on the blog, this is the 2nd most popular post. The beautiful part about this post is that it is the most biblical saturated post I've written and I always laugh at how this blog came together. When I interviewed Reginald, all I had was a piece of scrap paper, my pen, and the Holy Spirit. I give credit to the Holy Spirit because I wrote down a few key points as Reginald talked and when I began to compose the post, everything came together, line by line, verse by verse, with vivid imagery, and deep revelations. Check it out here: I just thank God for the gift of the scribe and connecting me to other like-minded believers and scribes who understand the power of words and the Word.

I hope you enjoyed these first 5 years of "The Write Moment". 5 represents grace and I am eternally grateful for God's hand (remember we're connected, without 5 fingers there is no hand) and grace over my life and the words He has given me. This year I also celebrate 5 years with my personal blog ( as well as 5 years since the birth and idea of my writing/editing business ( after freelancing for the last 7 years. Here's to the next chapter of this moment, "The Write Moment".

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley