Thursday, December 15, 2016

Do The Write Thing: A December To Remember

Hello #JustWrite!! Here we are at the end of another year. We made it and I just want to say thank you as always for reading, sharing, and providing feedback on Facebook and via the monthly blogs. 2016 was a year filled with so many trials, tests, and triumphs, but I'm so thankful for all of them and the support of #JustWrite because they have stretched me even more than before.  I don't know about you all, but I'm excited for what's to come in 2017. #JustWrite has grown so much in the last three years and I'm looking forward to many more growth opportunities and God moments. I pray that you all are excited and ready as well. Now we all know that December is the month we celebrate Christmas, but most importantly we celebrate the reason for the season, our savior Jesus Christ. Also, this is the month that we start to reflect and make a list of all the things we want to focus on in the new year. We do our yearly purging of old paperwork, clothing, etc. and we really start to take inventory of how we can usher in the new year. For most of us, we want to change a bad habit, learn a new skill, read more books, or publish our books. Whatever your goal may be, always know that you have many that will walk with you throughout the process. Speaking of walking with each other through the process, on Tuesday, our sis Kim hosted the "Talk the Talk" book club conference call which featured, Andrew Momon, author of "Be The Answer", a book that encourages readers to wake up each day with a solution mindset to the world's many problems. "There is a problem that you were uniquely created to solve; each day you wake up BE THE ANSWER!"

 During the call, Andrew shared his writing process for his book. Like most authors that I've interviewed, he shared how the process began 6 years before he published. It took a lot of discipline (spent two hours every Monday dedicated to writing), small goals (researched and wrote throughout the week to develop content), and unique strategies (set appointments with himself) to complete his book. Andrew encouraged all of us to write books that are near and dear to our hearts and not just books that are marketable with a catchy phrase. This statement goes back to the many conversations that we as a group have had in the past. Never be afraid to be authentically you when writing your books. Your stories are exactly that, your stories.  So put you in them. And one more thing and this is for me too. Andrew made a profound statement as he shared the dedication he wrote in his book(you will have to listen to the call or purchase the book to read it). {paraphrase}"Just because you are not in the spotlight does not mean that you are not important or significant. Continue to "Just Write and Be The Answer".  If you would like to receive more resources from Andrew, check out more information below:

You can also connect with Andrew via Facebook here and his website:

 As we come to a close in this chapter of 2016, please take note of the following upcoming event:

On December 17, authors who have written children to 18 years of age books have the opportunity to read to a group of youth from shelters and group homes. If you have a book you would like to DONATE to a cause this Christmas or a service for ALL ages, please email Kimberly @  If you provide any type of services and have a business, you can promote your business by giving away your time or a monetary gift to the cause of "December to Remember". You can email Kimberly and she will provide more details. She is looking for the editors, photographers, writing coaches, website designers and social media promoters. Also volunteers are needed to assist students (great opportunity for teachers). Come on fellow scribes and "Do The Write Thing" and give back. 

As I close, I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Christmas with family and loved ones. Set those goals and come back ready to accomplish them. See you all in 2017!!

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~