Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Write Moment: Restropect, 10 Years Later

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Hello, #JustWrite!! We've made it to 10 years! And in those 10 years, God has shown up so many times through our messages and writings. As the blogmaster of 'The Write Moment', here are 10 truths about God that have encouraged the monthly writings and scribal journey: 

1. God is consis10t.
2. God is righteous.
3. God is omnipresent.
4. God is omniscient.
5. God is omnipo10t.
6. God is powerful.
7. God is in10tional.
8. God is the Master Creative.
9. God is miraculous.
10. God is faithful.

"10 in the Bible represents testimony, law and responsibility. It signified the measure of responsibility and its judgment or reward. Under the law, man was responsible to keep the commandments and bear a testimony for God. In Romans 8:38-39, 10 powers become powerless against the LOVE OF GOD: "For I am persuaded, that 1. neither death, 2. nor life, 3. nor angels, 4. nor principalities, 5. nor powers, 6. nor things present, 7. nor things to come, 8. nor height, 9. nor depth, 10. nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Biblical Mathematics, Valowe, Ed. F., 1998)

The Bible also shows us the 10 vices that were excluded from the Kingdom of God, listed in 1 Corinithians 6:9-10. "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, 2. nor idolaters, 3. nor adulterers, 4. nor effeminate, 5. nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 6. nor thieves, 7. nor covetous, 8. nor drunkards, 9. nor revilers, 10. nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." (Biblical Mathematics, Valowe, Ed. F., 1998)

And so on and so forth, one sees the emphasis of the number 10 all throughout the Bible, a number that is used 242 times and the word, "TENTH" is mentioned 79 times. (Biblical Mathematics, Valowe, Ed. F., 1998). 

As year 10 is upon us, this profound understanding of where we are in these times once again cements a call to action:

To the Kingdom scribes reading this, whether received or not, we have a responsibility to the messages and testimonies we are releasing into ministry and the marketplace. Our authenticity and boldness is needed like never before. As we've stated in previous blogs throughout the years, it's never too late to trust God's purpose, process, and provision as it relates to the projects and assignments given to us. Thank you to those who in the last 10 years have engaged with us and understood the assignment, literally despite the challenges, doubt, etc. If no one has acknowledged you all up until this point, God has definitely seen you all and your fruits. 

Again, pay at10tion, remain consis10t, and  BN10tional (phrase created by Kimberly Thompson). Don't let "The Write Moment" pass by to "Just Write!" Cheers to 10 years! 

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley 

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