Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Write Reality: Faith Over Fear

Hey #JustWrite! Have you all heard the phrase, "Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies?" Profound right? Especially with the play on words, alliteration, and deep message. When we get to the place of seeing things with spiritual eyes, we recognize what's real and what's not. We all can agree that the biggest lies ever told to us were rooted in FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). Our carnal eyes process things for what they appear to be instead of what is real. All of us have dealt with fear in some area of our lives. For me as a kid dealing with bullying and uncertainty as a result of family issues, as a teen dealing with peer pressure, as a young adult with expectations of life after college, and as a believer with various trials personally and professionally. Regardless of those experiences, the common denominator was fear and the anecdote is faith.  

‭Hebrews 11:1 NKJV‬ states, 
[1] Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 

One acronym for FAITH is, "Forsaking All I Trust Him". Amen! Having faith means trusting the Lord through everything. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Yes. Faith is like fasting. Our faith (spiritual submission to God) stretches us in the way fasting (physical submission to God) does by building character and strength. Faith is a part of a neverending sanctification, a process. As a writer, we can view this from that perspective as well. There will be ideas generated and distractions that will halt the writing process. There will also be excuses to why a writing project can't be completed. Through it all, fear becomes another culprit of stifling the process. Once we recognize these things as issues, we have to bring them before the Lord and trust that He will guide us and bring that project to fruition. The same goes for our sanctification and walk with the Lord. We have to trust Him in the process and have faith as a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20-21). 

Here's another acronym for FAITH
In His service,

Lequvia Ousley