Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Write Remedy: The Relationship Cure

Hey #JustWrite!! This month we are revisiting the topic of relationships. Relationships exist due to " two or more concepts, objects, or people being connected." This connection can exist by blood or marriage, behavior, and as an emotional or intimate connection between two people. Most people think of relationships as romantic only and place more emphasis on those types of relationships. A previous blog spoke about love and repairing relationships. All relationships deserve the same type of nurturing and significant attention as relationships centered on love. This month's book selection is "The Relationship Cure: A Five-Step Guide for Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships." 

The 5 steps are the following:

1. Analyze the way you bid and the way you respond to others' bids.
2. Discover how your brain's emotional command systems affect your bidding process.
3. Examine how your emotional heritage impacts your ability to connect with others and your style of bidding.
4. Develop your emotional communication skills.
5.Find shared meaning with others.

What's interesting is that the steps speak to emotional commands, emotional heritage, and emotional communication. Emotional commands consist of responses related to emotional, behavioral, and physical functions we need. The seven emotional commands are 
  • Jester: play and fun
  • Sensualist: attraction and intimacy
  • Nest-Builder: affiliation, friendship, care, and nurturing
  • Commander-in-Chief: dominance, control, and power
  • Explorer: searching, learning, and goal setting
  • Energy Czar: getting rest, finding food, and staying healthy
  • Sentry: vigilance, defense, and avoiding danger
Emotional heritage examines a person's upbringing, experiences, and their endurance to life's situations which affects how one receives and adjusts. Emotional communication refers to one's ability to use messages to inform and influence other's emotional state. Emotional communication can be developed by the following 4 emotional intelligence skills: 
  • Self-awareness.
  • Self-management.
  • Social awareness.
  • Relationship management
In addition to the text, the Gottman Institute is a great complement for those who would like to discover more of Drs. John and Julie Gottman's research within different types of relationships and also for professionals there are great opportunities to obtain certifications and training for their practices. 

Happy learning and see you all on March 28th at 6pm for the monthly discussion.

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley