Hey #JustWrite!! We are in November!! Can you believe it? We are one month away from closing out 2022 and what a year it has been. Despite the highs and lows of this year, many of us can attest that we are thankful for the solid relationships we have whether personal or professional. It is through those relationships that many of us have been able to grace many stages, sit at many tables, and speak to many audiences. I heard some powerful statements recently, some I realized I had heard before and others I was amazed to hear: "Relationships matter." "Learn to add value to someone else's life/company." "Who you know gets you in the door, but who you are keeps you in the room." The last statement I heard was very profound as we have to understand our character when we are presented with opportunities. This month's book club read is the selection, "Never Eat Alone and Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time" by author, Keith Ferrazi. The book is an amazing guide on how to network and manage important relationships that can help further one's aspirations.
The book presents 3 lessons on networking:
1. "Relationships aren’t like cake, they’re like muscles." Like exercise, you must stay consistent so you can grow.2. "You must build your network long before you need it." Be intentional with connecting with others and seeing how each party can bring value to each other before the needs arise. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready.
3. "How you spend time with people is much more important than how much time you spend with them." Yes, networking is definitely all about the concept of quality over quantity. Choose wisely.