Hey #JustWrite!! Woohoo!! We are at the end of 2021. We are in another season of giving. Yes it's Christmastime, but I am speaking on another type of giving, the giving of one's time, talent, and treasure. I know during this time of the year, many are focused on gift-giving and festive gatherings. Let's not forget the precious meaning of giving: being of service to others through what has been given to us. Of course, we must be led by what God is showing us. The core of Just Write for many years has been building relationships and the concept of netweaving which was introduced through our relationship with EICC. As we prepare to embrace the new year, it's very important that we take into account the necessity of intentional giving and fruitful relationships. What does it mean to give your time? One definition for time is, "the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists." We've heard the phrase, "Time is Money." From a labor perspective this is true because hours worked at a specific time interval equates to an hourly wage. From a purpose perspective this is not true because one can possibly get money back if it's lost but can never get time back once it's gone. Remember our time is precious so we should be joyful in giving it back with our talents and treasures. Each of us has been bestowed with unique gifts to share within the Kingdom. This month's book club read is "The Generosity Factor: Discover the Joy of Giving Your Time, Talent, and Treasure" by authors, Ken Blanchard and Chick-fil-A founder, S. Truett Cathy. Many of us define success in different ways whether it's inspiration from our favorite thought leaders or from lessons learned through our unique experiences. We have also seen where one can be a public success and private failure. The Generosity Factor puts a creative spin on the subject matter as a parable unfolds between two characters, one who dreams of being successful while feeling indifferent and another who is successful because of the success principles that drive his life, hence the name, the 'Generosity Factor.'
Join us on Tuesday, December 28 at 6pm with our host, Tricia Scott as she provides her insight on the beauty of being generous. May we all understand that generosity is by God's design. I close with a quote from the blog, Generosity NY on why the concept of generosity is important to God:
"Generosity is our opportunity to serve the purpose of our Creator. Our generosity towards each other is a tool which God uses to create abundance. When we practice authentic generosity, we are lending ourselves and our capabilities as vehicles for the Lord’s work.
If we give them to Him, God will use our talents, our time, our resources and everything about us to do His work on earth. By sharing what we have with others, we are giving a gift to God, by serving him in the creation of abundance where there was once scarcity."
Matthew 6:1-2
Remember your presence with others is valued more than the presents to others for it is your greatest gift given and received.
Merry Christmas and see you all in 2022!!
In His service,
Lequvia Ousley