Hey #JustWrite!! It's September and once again we are nearing the end of another Quarter. As we near another chapter, let's discuss the word, "tribe". Honestly when I think of tribes, I think of the group of people that I descended from in the Bible and my immediate family history which includes the Native American tribes and African lineage I've been accustomed to learning in addition to what other genes are within my family tree. On another note, when I think of the word, "tribe", I think of a group of faithful people that have my back and best interests at heart. Those tribes are sisterfriends, business collaborators, and those I share similar interests with. I consider the Just Write Support group and The Write Team (fellow collaborators for Just Write) as two of the many tribes I'm blessed to be a part of. Historically, with a tribe, there tends to be one leader who is guiding the people to a desired goal. I have been fortunate to be a part of these two tribes where we are all seen as leaders. As writers, regardless if we are a newbie or seasoned, the ability to share our thoughts and voice in written form creates a space to be a leader. I was reminded of this quote from Pinterest, "With Jesus, there are no big “I’s” or little “you’s.” The ground is truly level at the foot of the cross. No matter who you are or where you come from, we all have a place in Jesus." I wholeheartedly agree with this statement as we all need to be reminded that we are special and significant in Christ's eyes. As we navigate another year of the pandemic, it is important that we inspire and encourage each other through these hard times personally, professionally, and spiritually. This year, specifically today's date makes year 7 for me as the blogmaster of Just Write and I can truly say I am fortunate and blessed to be surrounded by leaders from all walks of life who inspire and encourage me to walk in my respective calling as a scribe.
This month's book club is centered on the book, Tribes by author Seth Godin. The book describes how we as a people can rise to the occasion and by pass the barriers that were previously set before the era of the internet came into existence. Because of social media, blogs, and other online platforms, people have more access and the ability to be leaders, changing the trajectory of what it means to be a leader. We all have the same 24 hours and we all have the ability to lead. Join Just Write on September 28 at 6pm with our host Kimberly Thompson as she discusses her thoughts on leadership within our respective tribes. Come ready and prepared to be revived and inspired to push through hindrances and embrace leadership.
In His service,
Lequvia Ousley