Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Write Stance: Displaying Boldness on Societal Issues

Hello #JustWrite!! It's August and we are once again at the tail end of another year. Time flies by when you are focused and productive. Speaking of being focused, in August of 2019, I touched on the subject of staying woke. Those written words pre-pandemic prepared myself for what's happening now. Here we are in 2021 and that 'back to normal' the majority of the world was hoping for hasn't come back into fruition. Yes, we have some sense of normalcy with daily activities but deep inside, we are all taking each day as it comes. Since college, my father always told me that as time goes on, "things are not getting better but worse." These words are not being said to provoke gloom and doom, but to spark an urgency to be mindful of the times we're living in. For those who are Christians, we are living in a society and culture that is removing a lot of freedoms. In the last few years, I have seen many debates between brothers and sisters who state that as Christians we shouldn't be consumed with the world's issues and societal decay. The truth is we as believers can have a balance of caring about the issues that affect us not only as individuals but as believers in a collective faith. These issues include, poverty, sex trafficking, marriage, abortion, racism, and religious liberty, etc., which are discussed in Atlanta-bred author David Platt's book, Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Age. Platt believes in his book that Christians must take a stand with passion for the issues that plague our daily walk. Persecution and turmoil continues to repeat itself as we have witnessed in past years. I truly believe that when we address the issues that exist today in the same manner that Christ addressed them through His life and the Gospel, then we will understand what it truly means to set apart and not of the world. Most churches are becoming like the world which is why the message of the Gospel is not taken seriously. Messages are watered down and there is much compromise to gain a name. We are change agents called to be bold and proclaim the Gospel.

Join us on Tuesday, August 31 at 6pm as one of our change agents, Ursula Frederick-Brown will dive into taking a stance and proclaiming boldness in the midst of adversity and social decay. Ursula is no stranger to boldness as she has transcended throughout the mountain of entertainment/arts in addition to the business sector with such flair and passion for being Kingdom-minded and Gospel-centric. Come with the expectancy to get back on track with what's in front of us and let us all stay focused.

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley