Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Write Tools: A Time to Build Up

Hey #JustWrite!! I know most of you know by now that the world is dealing with the coronavirus epidemic or what some have deemed a pandemic. I couldn't help but think of the many things that have transpired in the world throughout the decades and centuries that has caused fear and panic among everyone. Remember the SARS, swine flu, Zika virus, and the Y2K scare? It came and then it went. I also noticed that these scares come during political seasons. Interesting, right? Now, I'm not taking the coronavirus news lightly. We should be concerned with what is happening, however, let's not get off track and miss what God is saying to us. I found it interesting that many headlines are instructing people to take precautions and build up one's pantry with disinfectant supplies, food, and water. Only a few medical professionals are stressing the importance of building up one's immune system. Personally, I'm all for naturopathic and holistic forms of healing (eating healthy, rest, minimized stress, natural supplements). We as people should have taken it more seriously to be healthy all year long, not when an outbreak happens. The same thing can be said about our spiritual health. The Word says to pray without ceasing. Don't wait until something happens to pray; always pray and study the Word in and out of season.  I admit when I became sick with the flu in December and the stomach virus in January and February, it put a lot in perspective for me about how I wanted to devote my time this year. Sadly, being sick was the best rest I got in a long time. It reminded me that my to do list will always be there and that I need to take care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. The same way we are being instructed to take care of our immune system is the same urgency we should have for our soul and the Kingdom. It's time to focus on building God's Kingdom. As I get older, I'm realizing more and more that God didn't call us to be super busy with so many things at one time, lacking fruit. It's this fallen world that we live in that has caused us to operate in that manner. When we think of building something, there are necessary tools and instructions given to us. We also have to count the cost of building and understand that there will be sacrifices along the way. Those sacrifices are worth it when we see the end result of our diligence and obedience. What about God's instructions when it comes to building up God's Kingdom? The number one tool we have is the Bible. Everything we need to live this life is in the Word of God. Another tool is the power of prayer. I can't stress it enough how important prayer is for all areas of our lives. And let's not forgot the Holy Spirit, our advocate who teaches and guides us to God's truth and revelations. When we pray and allow ourselves to hear God's voice, He gives us assignments and instructions on what to accomplish next. We sacrifice ourselves to follow God and His Word. What about our assignments as writers? God has given us clear instructions on our writings and how to use our gifts for the Kingdom, yet many of us have been disobedient and distracted. Most importantly, we have missed the opportunities to disciple and grow God's Kingdom for His glory. I urge all of us scribes to get back on post, pray, process, and pay attention to what is happening. Proceed with those instructions God gives. Let us all continue to build God's Kingdom.

In His service,

Lequvia Ousley