Thursday, December 15, 2016

Do The Write Thing: A December To Remember

Hello #JustWrite!! Here we are at the end of another year. We made it and I just want to say thank you as always for reading, sharing, and providing feedback on Facebook and via the monthly blogs. 2016 was a year filled with so many trials, tests, and triumphs, but I'm so thankful for all of them and the support of #JustWrite because they have stretched me even more than before.  I don't know about you all, but I'm excited for what's to come in 2017. #JustWrite has grown so much in the last three years and I'm looking forward to many more growth opportunities and God moments. I pray that you all are excited and ready as well. Now we all know that December is the month we celebrate Christmas, but most importantly we celebrate the reason for the season, our savior Jesus Christ. Also, this is the month that we start to reflect and make a list of all the things we want to focus on in the new year. We do our yearly purging of old paperwork, clothing, etc. and we really start to take inventory of how we can usher in the new year. For most of us, we want to change a bad habit, learn a new skill, read more books, or publish our books. Whatever your goal may be, always know that you have many that will walk with you throughout the process. Speaking of walking with each other through the process, on Tuesday, our sis Kim hosted the "Talk the Talk" book club conference call which featured, Andrew Momon, author of "Be The Answer", a book that encourages readers to wake up each day with a solution mindset to the world's many problems. "There is a problem that you were uniquely created to solve; each day you wake up BE THE ANSWER!"

 During the call, Andrew shared his writing process for his book. Like most authors that I've interviewed, he shared how the process began 6 years before he published. It took a lot of discipline (spent two hours every Monday dedicated to writing), small goals (researched and wrote throughout the week to develop content), and unique strategies (set appointments with himself) to complete his book. Andrew encouraged all of us to write books that are near and dear to our hearts and not just books that are marketable with a catchy phrase. This statement goes back to the many conversations that we as a group have had in the past. Never be afraid to be authentically you when writing your books. Your stories are exactly that, your stories.  So put you in them. And one more thing and this is for me too. Andrew made a profound statement as he shared the dedication he wrote in his book(you will have to listen to the call or purchase the book to read it). {paraphrase}"Just because you are not in the spotlight does not mean that you are not important or significant. Continue to "Just Write and Be The Answer".  If you would like to receive more resources from Andrew, check out more information below:

You can also connect with Andrew via Facebook here and his website:

 As we come to a close in this chapter of 2016, please take note of the following upcoming event:

On December 17, authors who have written children to 18 years of age books have the opportunity to read to a group of youth from shelters and group homes. If you have a book you would like to DONATE to a cause this Christmas or a service for ALL ages, please email Kimberly @  If you provide any type of services and have a business, you can promote your business by giving away your time or a monetary gift to the cause of "December to Remember". You can email Kimberly and she will provide more details. She is looking for the editors, photographers, writing coaches, website designers and social media promoters. Also volunteers are needed to assist students (great opportunity for teachers). Come on fellow scribes and "Do The Write Thing" and give back. 

As I close, I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Christmas with family and loved ones. Set those goals and come back ready to accomplish them. See you all in 2017!!

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Write Habits: Not Just Talking The Talk, But Walking the Walk

Hello #JustWrite family and welcome to November!! I recall this time last year, I was writing a blog showcasing the details for our first writer's workshop back in March. Here we are again, coming to the close of another year. As we are one week away from Thanksgiving, I just want to say that as we sit down with our families this year, let's not just be thankful with our words, but also be thankful in our deeds. It's very important for us to understand that what we think and meditate on is what we act out. And what we act out becomes our character...... Sound familiar? Some of you may recall the following quote:

We as a people have a bad habit with saying that we are going to commit to something without actually putting forth the action to see it through. Let's explore that. What is a habit? According to Wikipedia, a habit is "a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously." Interestingly, the definition for habit uses the word subconsciously to describe the nature of a habit. According to various sources, it takes 21 days to start a habit and 21 days to break a habit. Everything that we eventually do begins in the mind. Our habits coincide with what we think about daily and if we decide to act on those thoughts. As writers and most importantly as Christians, we are responsible for what we think, say, and do. We may not want to believe this, but we are being watched by others. From social media to in person interactions, we are being watched. The people that are the closest to us see our good and bad habits.  They hold us accountable when we slack and go into a state of lackadaisical despair. You're probably wondering, "Lequvia, where are you taking us with this blog?" Well, I'm glad you asked. {inserts smile here}. As the year is winding down, please be mindful of your thoughts. Philippians 4:8 ESV says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." From a practical standpoint as writers, the above quote shapes your reality. I know when I look at it, I see a story developing: "I think I can write a book." (thoughts) turns into, "I am going to write a book."(words) which develops into  "*insert your name here* is writing his/her book" (actions), *insert your name here* gets up at 3 am daily to pray and write his/her book" (habits), "*insert your name here* is a diligent writer" (character), and " insert your name here* is an influential author, speaker, editor, entrepreneur, change agent, literary agent, and so forth" (destiny). 

For the month of November, we have been challenged to partake in the book club reading of Jean Kuhn's, How To Think Like A Millionaire in 30 Days. This book will not teach you how to be a millionaire in 30 days, but how to be disciplined in your thoughts like millionaires, who are considered to be successful by society's standards. Everyone desires success in some shape or form, so why not apply principles that other successful people have perfected? If you are one of those people seeking to be more disciplined with your habits, be sure to join us tonight for a conference call with author Jean Kuhn at 6PM.  Be sure to dial in to the call with the information posted below:
We will not only talk the talk, but help you walk the walk, one habit at a time.

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Write Network: Building Fruitful Relationships

Hello #JustWrite!! If I can be transparent for a moment, this past month was a whirlwind of emotions and changes. On September 19, 2016, after careful consideration and a month and a few weeks at my new job, I decided to resign for my health and sanity's sake. Yes, I left a salary and health benefits behind. Although nice to have, those two things are not worth the daily, mental and physical exhaustion I was putting myself through. But guess what I do have? My passion and excitement for writing again and a desire to venture into new territory. What's that new territory you ask? Well, the very same week I resigned, I shared with my former coworker about my writing and how I wanted to be more focused and she connected me to a young lady at the same job who is launching her very first online magazine. Her name is Erica Relaford and her magazine is called,
Thank God for Just Write because after I shared the information within the Facebook group, interest in the magazine began to buzz which led to our first official meeting with Erica which included myself, Kim, Ursula, and Tanya. From the moment we conversed about Erica's vision for the magazine ("Our goal is to win souls that have fallen away from Christ, inform individuals who have never heard of the Gospel and just as the Lord declared in Jeremiah 31:25, "refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." "We seek to empower people with words of wisdom and enlighten those who are unaware of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Bible, testimonials and entertainment"), I knew that I was exactly where God wanted me to be, in a position to help this young lady to do what God has called her to do. Prior to the meeting, it was interesting that as we introduced ourselves, we started to connect the dots, as Kim would say about how we all met each other and what we could do to further assist Erica. It's amazing to be a part of a group where others truly and genuinely want to help. With that being said, I've noticed that this month's focus has been on relationships throughout social media and daily experiences, whether it was personal (new friendships), professional (beginning and ending a work relationship), and spiritual (deepening relationship with God). I remember around this time last year, I had just finished reading Kim's book about seasonal relationships (review is posted here) so it is very interesting and befitting to discuss relationships for this month's blog. One of the subjects that I touched on previously is the importance of community (check out The Write Community blog). As a group, we cannot stress enough the importance and value of community. That community comes in the form of building and maintaining fruitful relationships. As Kingdom-minded literary agents, it is very important to build genuine relationships with other like-minded individuals who will add value to your business/vision and vice versa. If you need help, don't be ashamed to reach out and express it. You may never know who you can bless with your gifts and the same goes for the other person. Always remember, quality is better than quantity. That statement applies to business and personal relationships. The greatest thing you can have for business are referrals. When you are referred, it speaks volumes about your brand and services which builds more relationships.

 As I stated last month, don't be hesitant in sharing your businesses on social media. If you are not experienced in that area, form a partnership and hire someone to do that service for you. Proverbs 4:7 states, 

The best thing about business and relationships is that both parties are always growing and learning from each other. Your "network is your net worth" is not just another cliche quote, it is the truth.
As I close, if you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering as a contributing writer or editor for Refresh magazine and welcome the opportunity to be a voice for young adults, please connect with Erica via social media and email:

Facebook: Erica Relaford
Twitter: @NetWithErica
LinkedIn: Erica Relaford

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Write Marketing: Promoting Your Books With Social Media

Hey Just Write!! At our last writer's support session, we discussed the season we were in with our books. Some of us are in the beginning phase with brainstorming and outlining, some are in the drafting stage, some are in the editing/formatting stage, and some are in the production/promotion stage. The last stage is the exciting stage because one, you have your final product and two, you are ready to promote. The constant topic that tends to come up in our support meetings is the need for authors to understand how to market their books via social media. I have been on social media since 2005 and have seen how the many platforms that were initially for fostering relationships has become the main platform to promote business. It was about 3 years ago that I realized the power of social media for inspiration and business. I've met so many authors and business owners and have been inspired in so many ways. In meeting these authors, I learned that many do not understand how to utilize social media as a tool to promote their books and grow their audience. When I met this one particular author in 2014, I decided to create a step by step process for her on how to post content via social media. The following is the information that I shared with her  and would like to share with my fellow scribes:

How to post and share content via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
I.                    Facebook
a.      How to post content
                                                              i.      Click in the status update box to the right.
                                                            ii.      Create a post by typing a particular statement, phrase, etc.
                                                          iii.      Click Update status and your post will appear on timeline
b.      How to share content
                                                              i.      Go to post on timeline
                                                            ii.      Look for the word Share underneath the post next to the word Comment
                                                          iii.      Click on Share which will take you to a page that has several options (share on your timeline, share on a friend’s page, share in a private message, or share on a page you manage)
                                                           iv.      Choose appropriate option and click Share
II.                  Twitter
a.      How to post content
                                                              i.      Click on the blue icon located in the top right hand corner of your home page. It will take you to a box that says “Compose new tweet”.
                                                            ii.      Type in a tweet that is no more than 140 characters.
                                                          iii.      When done, click on the blue icon that says “Tweet” and your post will appear on your timeline and as an update on the Twitter timeline.
                                                           iv.      To share or “Retweet” a post, click below the post and click on the second icon that looks like spinning arrows. Please note that you cannot retweet your own posts but you can retweet posts from other  followers.
III.                Instagram
a.      How to post content
                                                              i.      Please note that you can only post content from your phone.
1.      Click on the Instagram or IG app on phone
2.      Go to the bottom and click the blue camera icon.
a.      Proceed to upload a photo from your phone’s gallery or by taking a photo from your phone camera.
b.      After choosing the specific photo for your post, you can choose to crop picture for a better angle or keep the photo’s original size.
c.       Click the blue arrows to the right until you see a box that says “Add Description”
d.      In the box, type the information that you want to post.
                                                                                                                                      i.      Please keep in mind that IG is mainly a picture social media account so keep your content precise and brief. Feel free to use hashtags (words with # icon) so followers can find your posts easily.
e.      Once you are ready to post, you have the option to tag followers, share to Facebook and Twitter by clicking on the accounts. (Make sure they are both highlighted in blue before proceeding.)

f.        To add post, click on the blue check mark in the right-hand corner and your post will appear on your timeline.

Also authors, you can create Facebook business pages for your books and use those pages to share your book excerpts, book signings, websites, etc. as well as fellow authors that you support. Don't forget that Just Write's Facebook page is a great place to start marketing book information if you're not ready to share on a business page. Once content is shared, it reaches so many people in the world and helps to build a recognizable brand. 

Remember, you have many resources available to you now that can assist you with all of your book needs, whether via the blog, social media, or via other authors. Please take advantage and have a heart of expectancy to learn something new that will help you grow. I pray that this information is helpful.

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Write Motive: Why Do We Write?

Hey #JustWrite fam, it is August, a month of new beginnings, new mercies, and new assignments. We are at the end of another season. Can you all believe that we have 4 more months until the end of the year? Amazing....Speaking of amazing, I read a wonderful blog, entitled, "Don't Write Just to Get Published"  last week that was shared by my sis in Christ, Carmen Miller who is the founder of Whole Magazine, one of my favorite devotionals. The author of the blog, Ann Swindell touched on the questions of do you want to be published or do you want to write? She expressed that many writers think that getting published will fulfill and validate them. This is a dangerous thought to have because seeking to receive validation through other means outside of Jesus can leave one frustrated, unsatisfied and can cause one to compromise the integrity of who they are as Christians for the sake of being published. I admit, when I read the article initially, I felt convicted because the thought and excitement of being published has crossed my mind a few times, but it's never been my primary motive. I've always written to be healed and as a release from life's trials. After reading that article, my initial unction was to share it on social media but a part of me didn't want to share in fear that others would think I was being controversial and stirring up a debate. Thankfully, I went against those feelings and I shared on all of my social media accounts as well as the Just Write group. Reading that blog sparked an interesting conversation between me and Kim and reminded me of some of the conversations I've had with others during the Just Write meetings. At our last meeting, we talked about the social injustice in the nation, the many TV shows and movies that have been written that only entertain and not educate for the sake of money, and how we as Christian writers have a responsibility to write with integrity and not compromise who we are and what we write about for the sake of authorship. We as Christian writers have to step up the standard and bring forth content that is authentic, uncompromising, and relevant to what we are seeing in society and as Christians. Check out the following gems that were expressed throughout the article:

1. Getting published does not make you a writer. Writing makes you a writer.
2. The purpose of writing is worship. 1 Cor. 10:31 says, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Another scripture to reference that wasn't mentioned is, Colossians 3:23-24 which says, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."
3. We write from a place of security in Jesus Christ. 1 John 3:1 says, "See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him."
4. Ask the Lord to search us and help us discern why we crave publication. Psalm 139: 23-24 says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!"
5. Our worth isn’t in how others react to us, but in how they react to Jesus. Amen!

I'm so glad my eyes came across this blog, because it put a lot into perspective and it reminded me of my purpose with everything I do: to glorify God. To read more check out the link: Continue to keep God first in all that you do.

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Friday, July 15, 2016

Don't Put Off What You Can Do Write Now: How To Handle Procrastination

Hey #JustWrite!! We have made it to July the 7th month (divine completion) where we usually celebrate independence with many fireworks. We are 6 months into 2016 and prayerfully all of us are solely focused on finishing strong. With that being said, this month's topic focuses on procrastination. Due to an important personal matter, I was not able to attend last month's writer support meeting. However, I did learn that the topic was about procrastination and there was an interesting round-table discussion with the attendees and their struggles. Although I wasn't there physically, I could relate from a mental and spiritual standpoint. I admit that these last few months have been filled with procrastination with everything. In all transparency, I shared with Kim in an email the following: "I had to pull away from everything and everyone and truly enjoy this rest and relaxation before the fall begins." "I cried for the first time in a long time the other night and it felt good. I didn't realize I was forcing myself to be strong (I was in that place before). With everything going on in the world, I'm taking each day as it comes and I'm not beating myself up over what I didn't accomplish." In that moment of sharing my struggle, I was reminded of what a dear sister told me the day before as she prayed with me: we can't do everything in our strength (Phil. 4:13) Very true statement and a great reality check. That's why I sympathize with my fellow scribes when it comes to procrastination. Whenever I'm faced with a condition or situation, I always look at the cause. In my research, I came across an article at According to the article, the four main causes of procrastination are:

1. A Fear of Failure
2. Excessive Perfectionism
3. Low Energy Levels
4. A Lack Of Focus

As I read about each cause, the Holy Spirit reminded me of who God is and how He helps us to overcome procrastination. When you start to have a fear of failure, remind yourself of 2 Timothy: 17, that says,  "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." In order to succeed in life, we have to make mistakes and have failures. If not, how will we learn how to trust God and allow Him to work through our shortcomings? As writers, we have to learn how to celebrate our strengths and work on our weaknesses. Having fear cripples you and stunts your growth. Remember it is a process to write your book. Don't abort it by fearing failure. Next, this is a cause that many of us struggle with: excessive perfectionism. The editor in me needs to meditate on this scripture constantly, Psalm 18:30:  "As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him." God is the only one who is perfect. He is not flawed and there's nothing too big for Him. I love that this scripture says that when we trust in Him, He shields and protects. Yes, we operate in excellence in all that we do, but we must trust that God will perfect those things in us.
Third, low energy levels cause procrastination.  Low energy levels impact whether or not we feel like doing anything at all. In order to be productive and active, we need a balance of sleep, diet, and exercise that will increase our capacity to not procrastinate. Remember, 1 Cor. 6:19-20, "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." 

The last cause cannot be stressed enough: a lack of focus. In June's blog (The Write Foundation), I discussed the importance of having focus. A lack of focus can come from the fact that many of us are operating in busyness instead of business. There is a difference between the two. We are doing many things, but not really getting anything done.  It is very important that we set attainable goals and know that we have direction in what we are striving to complete. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." Don't get caught in feeling like you have no where to start. Begin with a simple prayer: "Lord show me what I need to do"

Now that we understand some causes of procrastination, it is time to be proactive and put a plan into action that will help us to overcome and be productive. Let us not put off what we can do write now.

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Write Foundation: Provision For Our Books

Greetings and welcome to the month of June!! It's that time again to celebrate fathers near and far and in all forms.  When I think of fathers, leadership comes to mind. Fathers are the head of the family, the ones who set the tone and foundation. They form the structure of the family dynamic. They provide the strength and assurance that our needs will be met. They also provide examples of financial wisdom, stewardship, and focus. Of course our Abba Father, God operates in this capacity as well, always making sure we are taken care of and prepared. So how do these traits and terms apply to writing a book?

Well, as we accept our calling as scribes and began to think about ideas and concepts for our books, it's very important to first create and plan the structure of our books. That structure can be in the form of an outline or a vision board. Your outline is your written puzzle that will help you to piece together all of the components of your manuscript. Your vision board takes the process further by showcasing a visual of ideas, dreams, goals, and expectations. Looking at your vision board daily gives you an extra boost and encouragement to work on your manuscript. Next, we have strength.

When embarking on a new creation, it takes a lot of strength and determination to see your project(s) to completion. That much needed strength comes from praying and reading God's Word, and most importantly, believing God's Word. If God has called you to write a book, then you have to be mentally and spiritually prepared. Then comes the dreaded, "F" word, finances.

First we have the idea for a book.  Next, we begin the outline for it, and continuously pray and tarry for our books, but now we ask the question, "How am I going to finance this book?" Well, don't fret. It is very important that when we structure the plans for our books, that we count the cost and budget every aspect of publishing a book: Editing, Formatting, Self-Publishing, Traditional Publishing, Marketing, Inventory, among other components. The best advice I ever heard from an author is to invest in yourself and let your work speak for itself. She was a former teacher and she would tell me how she would clock out of her 9-5 and clock in to her own business. Every dollar that she earned as a teacher was saved and invested into her dreams and goals. Lakia Brandenburg also a former teacher, turned wife coach, self-publisher and author said it best, "Go to work with the mindset of you're funding your dream." (also mentioned in The Write Experience blog) Do your research and compare prices for services needed to complete your book. Create your budget and be sure to tweak it as you make changes. Create a special fund for your book investments and be intentional in sowing into it.  Pray for provision and believe that God will provide. Don't be afraid to share what you are working on too. God will place it on people's hearts to assist you with your book. I've heard numerous testimonies of how others have sown into authors' projects. I even met an author a few months ago who did an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for her first book.  She raised more than her goal to launch her book. Remember, you have to put forth the effort to be serious and diligent about your goals. My last point is focus. It is very important to have focus in any goal/vision that you set out to achieve and fulfill. When others see your focus, they are encouraged.

So, fellow scribes, take note and as we celebrate our dear earthly fathers on Sunday, trust your Heavenly Father to provide that right foundation of structure, strength, finances, and focus.

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Write Discipline: Nurturing the Words In Us

Greetings!! May is here and we are close to celebrating our 2 year anniversary as a group!! Time flies when you're having fun and writing. Last Sunday was Mother's Day so I pray that all the mothers had a wonderful day of being celebrated for who you are and what you do. When I think of mothers, the one characteristic that stands out to me is the nurturing spirit of mothers. To nurture means to "care for and encourage the growth and development of others." Mothers are the first teachers of their children with the natural ability to pour into them, making sure they have everything they need so they can be the best in life. I can remember my love for books and writing began at a young age when I was given my first set of bible stories, novels, and journal. It was that encouragement at an early age that brought forth a desire to be disciplined in my reading and writing. The same goes for us as writers. To be disciplined means to have a "controlled form of behavior or way of working." Most of us have busy schedules and several obligations that occupy our time. Sometimes we make a choice to exercise discipline in those things we feel like doing as oppose to what needs to be done. The same way we nurture our friendships, jobs, network, and other relationships is the same way we have to nurture the words that God has given us.

One of our most important relationships is a relationship with God and what His Word says. As Christians, we cultivate our relationship with God by disciplining ourselves to spend time in His Word, praying, listening for His instructions, and adhering to those instructions. Those instructions most likely include those books that are stored in us that are ready to be released. I am a visual person so when I pondered on this topic, I was reminded of Kim's book, "Seasons of Intentional Relationships" and she used the garden metaphor to describe relationships. That's how I look at the writing process. Nurturing those words and stories in us is like tending to a garden. Our words (seeds) in us need to be written down (planted in fertile ground) with constant diligence and discipline (watered, with sunlight) so that they can be books and shared with the world (blossomed into beautiful flowers). For the month of May I have been completing Whole Magazine's Scripture Writing Plan and during my quiet time on Friday, I came across Colossians 4:17, which says, "And say to Archippus, "Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it." Most of us in Just Write have identified that we are literary agents with the gift of the scribe. Because we have recognized and received what God has given us, we need to be careful to not neglect the discipline it takes to be fruitful writers. If you're reading this and striving to be more disciplined, check out this: The article targets fiction writers but I think the following 10 disciplines applies to all writers regardless of the genre:

1. Motivation- Find something that stimulates your writing vision, whether it's a favorite scripture, quote, favorite author, or a vision board.

2. Momentum-Begin with a daily goal and stick with it. Write a certain amount of words a day and make it a habit.

3. The nifty 350- Starting a writing goal with 350 words a day will motivate you to write more.

4. The furious 500-Extend your writing goal from 350 to a furious 500 words a day.

5. Super Tuesday-Designate Tuesday, or any day of the week you choose, as your day to work on your writing projects. Schedule that day as an appointment.

6. Celebrate-When you meet your goals, celebrate them! Treat yourself to dinner, movie, or light a candle in a cupcake. Whatever you do, rejoice and be happy!

7. A kick in the rear- Find ways to pep yourself up to write. Get back on track.

8. Keep a log- Track how many times you write per week based on your daily goals.

9. Get Healthy- When you care for your body, it increases your productivity and creativity in writing.

10. Retreat and advance- Go on a yearly writing retreat and create a master plan for completing your writing goals. Use that as inspiration to become better with each goal.

Hopefully you find these tips helpful as you complete your projects. As I close, I want to encourage you to not allow the task of writing to kill your desire and discipline. Stay focused and JUST WRITE!!

In His service,

~Lequvia Ousley~

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Write Community: The Importance of Fellowship

Hey, Just Write family!! Spring is officially here and I'm sure most of you retreated for a week or two at your favorite getaways for some much needed R&R. This past week was my Spring Break and I was invited by a dear friend/sis (an accomplished author, entrepreneur, educator, evangelist) to Chattanooga, TN. It was my first time there, so I made sure to take in the scenery and the attractions. What I enjoyed most about my trip was the ministry that took place between us. In our conversations with each other, we found that our stories and upbringing were similar. Not only are we from the same city, but we also overcame similar trials. It was like reuniting with a long lost sister. Her testimonies and encouragement inspired me and gave me a new perspective. Those moments reminded me the importance of community.  Even before I started writing this post, I recalled memories of my childhood and the neighborhood where I lived. There was a point in time where people were more neighborly and people were trusted to do what they said they would do. Now, there's a fear and distrust of others. It's like we have the look of a community, but our actions don't show community. The word "community" means, 1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common; 2. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals; 3. a group of interdependent organisms of different species growing or living together in a specified habitat.  With community and fellowship, people can see that what they are doing together serves a higher purpose. That purpose is bigger than attaining a goal or status. It fulfills a collective mandate, to use our voices and stories to serve in the capacity that we have been assigned.

The best part of my trip was the two of us sharing in the notion that it is important that we as women are honest about our internal and external struggles and that we are surrounded by other women who can genuinely help, pray, and walk with us. Since 2013, I have been praying to be a part of a community that values fellowships and genuine relationships and in 2014, God answered my prayers in a major way. Just Write was one of those prayers answered. I'm finally a part of a community that encourages my growth in one of my passions and it serves a greater purpose than just writing. We are on a quest to facilitate dialogue and bring like-minded individuals together so we can assist, guide, and fulfill our purposes. So, if you are a writer in need of a community that will help you on your journey as an author, publisher, editor, etc., then come join us at our next meeting on April 28, 2016. Bring a friend or two, your ideas, an open mind, and heart to receive.

Below are 7 bible verses about community:

Psalm 133:1-"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!"

Romans 12:4-5, "For as in one body we have many members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another."

Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."

Hebrews 10:24-25, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near."

Galatians 6:2,"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

1 Thessalonians 4:18, "Therefore comfort one another with these words."

1 Thessalonians 5:14, "And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all."

Remember in COMMUNITY, there is UNITY!


~Lequvia Ousley~

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Write Experience: A Story That Never Ends

Greetings #JustWrite!! We did it!! EICC and Just Write's 1st writer's workshop happened 3 days ago and it was an amazing experience to witness so many aspiring and veteran writers come together to receive so many fruitful seeds that were planted by our speakers. Prior to the workshop, I had some seeds planted as well. I had a chance to sit in on an EICC meeting. The members are currently reading a book called, "The E-Myth Revisited" by Michael Gerber.
An interesting book, it details the understanding of technical work and business together to establish a business. During our discussion, we learned about the 3 personalities within a person in business: the entrepreneur, the manager, and the technician. The entrepreneur is the visionary and dreamer. The manager is the planner, very orderly and systematic. The technician is the doer, a taskmaster. We were challenged by Reginald, EICC's president, to evaluate ourselves based on those 3 roles. Based on my evaluation, I am an entrepreneur(20%), manager(30%), and technician(50%). According to Reginald, these percentages will vary according to where we are and how we grow. It's interesting because prior to the evaluation, I instantly identified myself as a technician based on my career paths and my personality. I tend to take on tasks others refuse to complete, the story of my life. Our homework assignment is to track and tally what we do throughout the week based on those traits.

 Speaking of stories, here are some brief moments that resonated with me from the workshop. As the workshop's opening session begins, Kim speaks on Jesus being the author and finisher of our faith. As we all know, Kim loves to open up meetings and fellowships with icebreakers. The icebreaker for this session was called "Enteruption" which is the name of Kim's forthcoming publishing company and a unique play on the word, interruption. The audience was told to stand up and share something about themselves and anyone who could relate to them based on what they said would interrupt them and share about themselves and everyone would continue until the last person. I thought it was interesting because you are learning about someone but also connecting the dots and creating a story along the way. As Kim was speaking, it hit me that God is the entrepreneur, the one man show that makes all things happen, the Holy Spirit is the manager who teaches and orders our steps, and we are the technicians, the doers who complete those things that are given or should I say gifted to us to fulfill. Wow, that was a revelation! From that moment, the participants were dismissed and began to join their individual breakout sessions. Although I couldn't sit in on all of the sessions, I did have a chance to assist and sit in on Lakia Brandenburg's session about Marketing/Branding. She gave 10 tips on how to market and brand your business. Her points were concise with simple and inexpensive strategies to create a marketable and successful brand. During her presentation, I loved how she turned a negative into a positive by saying, "Go to work with the mindset of you're funding your dream." That statement was a defining moment for the audience. 

As the breakout sessions ended, participants visited the vendor tables and lunch was served.  During that time, a few of the speakers had a chance to share their testimonies and the audience had an opportunity to ask questions. Also there was another fun moment where Kim challenged the audience to create a story from their seats without paper and pencil, but with their voices. Everyone had to be creative and connect a detail until the last person finished the story. It was a very colorful story, like a beautiful quilt woven together with unique threaded patterns and colors. That activity led into the session, entitled "The Word in Action" which featured Sabrena Farmer, an artist and Damika Davis, a dancer.  Sabrena shared how painting a picture tells a story. One of her artwork pieces told the story of children that were forgotten, abused, and hurting, while Damika told a brief story through dance. The moment everyone was waiting for was the "Don't Judge a Book by its Cover" panel hosted by V103's Joyce Littel. The panel covered the topics of legal matters, becoming a member of EICC, editing and facing fears and dealing with rejection, doing business with Called to Conquer, taking responsibility with arts to worship, books opening doors, and the importance of speaking and becoming a speaker. Joyce did an excellent job moderating the panel. I enjoyed the commentary from Sharon Frame, Earnelle Winfrey, Barbara Winters, Craig Heath, Bernard Williams, D. Marie Monroe, and Crystal Daughtery. The workshop concluded with Chris Cooper, who spoke on getting stuff done and the 3 P's that prevent a thought leader from moving forward:  perfectionism/procrastination(overly critical/wasting time, putting tasks off), paparazzi(focused on fame), and profits(focused on riches). Chris helped the audience to see that in order to move in any vision that God has given you, you have to just do it and trust Him along the way. Of course, this has been the #1 mantra for #JustWrite. Don't just talk it, we must walk it, and be it. It was interesting that as the workshop was happening, I was able to connect with Tricia who flew from New York to support and reconnect with the many speakers I had an opportunity to feature in past blogs. It was amazing to reminisce on how we were all connected. It was in that moment that I realized that we are all a part of a story that never ends. Although that story constantly changes with it's many chapters, edits, and plots, it is a story that continues to grow in every moment we add to it. So thank you again to the speakers who brought the insight along with the motivation that sparked the ignite, there's nothing left to do but #JustWrite.


~Lequvia Ousley~

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Love of Words: A Writer's Delight

Greetings, #JustWrite! It's February, and as you all know, the writer's workshop that was originally scheduled for last month was postponed due to the weather and will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016. The cancellation of the event put a lot into perspective for me. I was able to rest and reflect. Prayerfully, it was a day of reflection and diligence for you all as well.

 It's 15 days into February and the two things that I think about are Black History Month and Valentine's Day. As the years go by, I try to relish in those two significant moments throughout the year, not just for the month. It's also leap year which means we have an extra day in the month to #JustWrite!, lol. On a serious note, as I was preparing for this month's blog, I knew I wanted to focus on love, not necessarily romantic love, but love from God's perspective and a writer's perspective. As I wrote the title, the scripture, Psalm 37:4 came to mind: "Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." As writers, we naturally have a love for words. As the scripture resonated with me, I thought about how we as Christians love God's Word. 2 Cor. 17 states that "therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
This means that as we become one with God through studying and living out His Word, our desires align with His desires. So writers, are you delighting in God's Word as well as delighting in writing the words that He has given you? Have you asked God what does He want you to write and aligned those words with what He said? As we complete our projects, it's good to do a heart check and make sure that we are doing everything that God desires for us to do. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know from experience that the majority of my writings came from the most vulnerable places in my heart, things I didn't want to write, but what God wanted me to write. With fear and trembling, I pushed through and obeyed which has freed me to grow continuously as a writer. It's very important that we are passionate and purposeful about what we are writing. When we love what we do, it shows naturally, no matter how many times we try to get in the way and abort the process. The beautiful thing is, God always meets us where we are. Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."
So for the next month, take this time to pray, reflect, and continue to write about what God is speaking to you. Stir yourself up in Him, delighting in His word, and letting His voice guide those pens.  God is all about completion (3), order (12), and love (16) hence, the date for the upcoming workshop (3/12/16). In John 14:15, Jesus says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments." Christ commands us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. How do we do that? By sharing the Gospel as well as our stories.

As I close, in honor of Black History, I would like to leave you all with two encouraging quotes from two authors:

"As long as we are not ourselves, we will try to be what other people are." -Malidoma Patrice Somé (Of Water and the Spirit)

"When you know your name, you should hang on to it, for unless it is noted down and remembered, it will die when you do." -Toni Morrison (Song of Solomon)

Also, be sure to check out Just Write's upcoming events:


~Lequvia Ousley~

Friday, January 15, 2016

Get Write or Get Left: A New Beginning

Hey #JustWrite family!! We have made it to 2016 and are 8 days away from our 1st writer's workshop. When I think about it, the fact that we are 8 days away is significant as well as the date of the event (1/23/16). The number 8 represents a new birth and a new beginning. The number 23 represents death. Yes, I said death, but don't be alarmed. Naturally, when we think about death, we think about the end of life. From a spiritual standpoint, when I think about death, I think about the end of something. As we flow in this new year, our minds should constantly be renewed daily (Romans 12:2). We should be dying to our flesh, old habits, and old ways of thinking. We should keep it moving, as our sis Kim would say, and be focused on our Kingdom missions as scribes. Remember, when something dies, something else is being born. In our case, as we clear out the old habits/attitudes/mindsets(procrastination, negativity, doubt, fear, bondage), we give ourselves a creative flow to birth something new(books, scripts, plays, music). Don't allow excuses and distractions to interfere with your assignments to birth those projects. As I wrote in the last blog (The Write Marriage), we need to be in position and obedient to our call, so we can influence our designated mountain(s).

Now that I got your attention, let's get straight to business. As we approach the upcoming writer's workshop, I'm excited to announce that we have some dynamic speakers, panels, and breakout sessions that will be apart of the insight segment of the workshop. Our lovely host for the event is V103 radio personality Joyce Littel (top pic), who will also be leading the panel discussion, "Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover", a panel focusing on asking heart questions that will help writers write and release them from their fears so they are able to ignite, insight, and just write. Along with Joyce, we also have the following speakers leading panel discussions: Tia McCollors  (Time & Money Management), (bottom right pic), Craig Heath, (Covenant Relationships) (left pic), and Barbara Winters, (Teaching and Evangelizing) (top right pic) . Our breakout sessions include Camille Sprauve (center pic) and Lakia Brandenburg (bottom left pic). Camille will be speaking on transparency, knowing your voice, and wearing your "Godfidence" throughout the writing process. Lakia will be speaking on branding and marketing with the focus of utilizing key marketing strategies to spreading your God-given messages and branding your work.  I don't know about you all but I'm excited to hear these faithful servants to the Kingdom offer their expertise and wisdom from their designated mountains. #JustWrite please take heed of what each individual will present. Remember, words are powerful with the possibility of either killing (doubting your gifts) or birthing (encouraging your gift) one's potential. I pray that you choose the latter influence, the power to grow and birth. I truly believe that this workshop will not be another workshop where you receive information and business cards, with no desire to follow-up or follow through with what was said. I believe that this workshop will be fruitful. It reminds me of an analogy I previously used in conversation. This workshop will not be another wedding (pretty party with all the fancy details). It will be a marriage (a lifelong Christ-centered covenant that's unbreakable). So, #JustWrite will you join us on Saturday, January 23, 2016 from 11am-5pm as we come together with our fellow scribes to make a lifelong commitment to fulfill God's promises as messengers who will influence the Kingdom one manuscript at a time. As my father tells me constantly in conversation, "time waits on no one." The choice is up to you, either get write or get left.

Don't forget to register for the writer's workshop at Registration is currently $40 until January 22, 2016. Onsite registration will be $50. Insight, Ignite, JustWrite!!


~Lequvia Ousley~