Greetings, #JustWrite!! This month's blog features Sharon Frame. Sharon was our guest speaker back in May (#JustWrite's 1st birthday) for our brainstorming session. She is a former CNN anchor, award-winning journalist, public speaker, and media coach. Her personal philosophy is that, "everyone has the potential to be wildly successful if we live in purpose, on purpose, for purpose." In the midst of our busy schedules, I was so gracious to have had the opportunity to reach out to Sharon to pick her brain on her journey through writing, the process, and any encouragement she wanted to offer to fellow writers.
Sharon's writing became part of her career when she noticed her love for writing in her teenage years. By then she was writing poetry, church plays, and lyrics to songs. Those writing skills were later honed in college as a creative writer and TV journalist. Sharon's first book was published in 2010. It was entitled, The 67th Book of the Bible, The Journal. It was followed by Wired To Win!, then The 67th Book of the Bible, A Home Study Course. In 2013, she wrote her 4th book, LeadHERship; Own it, Love it, Learn It, Give it. When asked about the timing in conception of her books and her overall writing process, Sharon had this to say, "I started Wired To Win! as a blog. Every Tuesday morning around 3am, I devoted time to write a blog that dealt with Wired To Win philosophy. In about 3 months I had accumulated enough content to constitute a book. My last book, LeadHERship, I wrote in just one month. I had a speaking engagement in Maui, Hawaii, and had one month to prepare. So, I challenged myself to write the book in 30 days, and, by the grace of God, I did." Those of you that were in attendance for May's brainstorming session or on the conference call should recall when Sharon spoke about writing her book in 30 days. I don't know about you all, but I have never met anyone that has written a book in 30 days. Very encouraging. Speaking of encouragement, if you're lacking focus or motivation, Sharon offers the following for aspiring writers:

· Earn the right to write—whether from experience, study or expertise.
· Develop a writing routine, setting aside time once or twice a week to just write. Consistency is the key.
· Seek out a seasoned writer who can mentor you
· Be a ready reader to expand your knowledge base
· Start a writer’s blog with an interesting topic that adds value to your readers’ life
· Try your hand at different writing genres, including poetry & fiction
· Don’t ever give up on your dreams to be a published author.
As a writer, Sharon has learned that writing gives her an avenue for self-expression. It also gives her a platform to chime in on matters and causes important to her life mission. Sharon says, "My writing is bent toward self-help and inspiration. So, it affords me the chance to edify, empower and transform my readers. I have learned, the unequivocal power of the pen. Words craftily put on paper have the power to produce life or death, liberty or bondage, wealth or poverty."
In terms of influence, it is the gift of writing that has given Sharon a solid, rewarding career as a journalist for many years and the opportunity to touch lives across the country and around the world.
In closing, I challenge you #JustWrite family as well as myself to examine where we are in our influence, journey, and writing process. Are we going to "get on the bus" to our new destination of influence or are we going to let the write moment to just write pass us by? Think about it.
For more information on Sharon Frame as a writer, speaker, and media coach, please check out her:
Twitter: @sframespeaks