Thursday, January 15, 2015

There Is No One Like You (Kim's Testimony)

There was a stage in my life where I would not share my book ideas. I thought someone would steal the idea and write a book before me or better yet, write it better than me. I got the confirmation that although my book idea could be a good one, no one could write it like me because what’s in me must be filtered through me outwardly. No one else knows my thoughts like me and most of all I should be listening to God for guidance in regards to my writing.

When I desired to share what I wanted to write, I had no one to share the ideas with. I believe I was seeking validation, hoping someone would like my thoughts. We are in a new year where people start to set goals. I can attest that you can have the idea all you want, but if you are not setting aside time to write out the story, message or idea, it will only be that, an idea.

This need for moving forward reminds me of the passage in the bible where God was calling Samuel, in 1 Samuel: 3. Samuel thought Eli was calling him. Do you believe being a writer is “a calling”? When I got serious about writing, it felt dreadful. I had to be disciplined and schedule time when I thought the words should flow. Writing requires focus among other things. In the story about Samuel hearing God, it was Eli who said to Samuel, "The next time God calls you, say “Speak, your servant is listening”. I believe as writers/authors we need to have the same practices. We must understand that as we write, it’s not just our ideas. I believe God is using us to speak to specific people about a particular message. 

~Kim Sharkey